girl in the sea_cecilia white 2013

girl in the sea_cecilia white 2013

The Australian urban lifestyle is imbued with an iconic sense of connection to water – in particular the sea. This communion reaches its literal depth in the swimmer’s lungs – each exhalation containing significant yet unnoticed amounts of water. Similarly, the fluidity of childhood, buoyed on the breath of wonder, ebbs and flows into memory. Tales of the sea, memory, breath rise to meet those of other mythologies. Do you remember?

Cecilia White’s word work ‘girl in the sea’ (perspex, quartz, ink) was selected for In situ 2013, the third annual sculpture/installation festival in Mosman, Sydney, curated by Cassandra Hard-Lawry and opened on 5 October at Mosman Art Gallery.

girl in the sea is currently exhibited in the postgraduate research show continuum curated by Dr Bonita Ely, at CoFAspace, Sydney, 28 October – 8 November 2013. Opening Tuesday 5 November 5 – 7 pm, including Cecilia White’s performance (you) TAKE (my breath) AWAY, a continuing reflection on communion, the self and that breathing space between us.

